
Effortlessly Add Trios Cloud Email

Seamless Email Integration for iPhone and Android

Experience the simplicity of configuring your Trios Cloud email on any device. Follow our easy steps to get started.

Quick Setup

Set up your email in minutes with our straightforward guide.

Universal Compatibility

Works seamlessly with both iPhone and Android devices.

Getting setup on your device is easy

Device Compatibility

Our email service is fully compatible with both iPhone and Android devices, ensuring you stay connected on the go.

Easy Configuration

Setting up your email is a breeze with our step-by-step instructions.

Secure and Reliable

Enjoy peace of mind with our secure and reliable email service.

Step 1: Open Settings

Navigate to the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone or Android device.

Step 2: Add Account

Select ‘Mail’ and then ‘Add Account’. Choose ‘Exchange’ or ‘Exchange Activsync’.

Step 3: Enter Mail Server Details

Mail Server: mail.trios.cloud

Port: 443

Domain/Username: YourEmailAddress@YourDomain.com

Password: Your Password

Email Address: YourEmailAddress@YourDomain.com.



Follow the prompts to complete the setup.

Need Help with Mail Configuration?

Contact Your Provider

If you have any questions or need further assistance with setting up your email on your iPhone or Android device, please reach out to us. Our support team is here to help you with any inquiries you may have.

Get Started with Trios Cloud Email